We are passionate about reaching out to the vulnerable children who have been neglected, marginalized and institutionalized in our community because of their disabilities. Read about us.

Our Understanding

We understand the almost impossible progressions associated with the adoption of disabled orphans and the risk of institutionalisation in Nigeria scape.

Our Aim

We aim to garner resources through our global network of partners and volunteers to provide required supports to orphanages, care homes and individuals in Nigeria.

Our Goal

To provide regular support to at least 150 individuals in our first year of operation and upscaling to 1000 in the first 5 years.

Be an Ahbidi Champion

An Ahbidi Champion is one who accept to take the responsibility of the support a child needs. It’s like adopting a child without taking them out of the orphanage.

Be a Sponsor

We aim to garner resources through our global network of partners and volunteers to provide required supports to orphanages, care homes and individuals in Nigeria.

Be a Donor

You can donate financially or in kind by directly allocating funds towards any of our project or directly to the foundation.

Volunteer With Us

The success of our project rely heavily on volunteers to offer support in several areas of need. There is always a fulfilling place to occupy at Ahbidi

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